Marketing Affiliate Program Policies and Agreement


This is a contract between you (the “Affiliate”) and us (“CDL Mentors”). It describes how we will work together and other aspects of our business relationship. It is a legal document so some of the language is necessarily “legalese” but we have tried to make it as readable as possible.

The CDL Mentors Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement applies to your participation in our Marketing Affiliate Program (the “Affiliate Program”). These terms are so important that we cannot have you participate in our Affiliate Program unless you agree to them.

We periodically update these terms. We might also choose to replace these terms in their entirety if, for example, the Affiliate Program changes, ends, or becomes part of an existing program, including our partner programs. If we update or replace the terms we or the Affiliate Tool will let you know via electronic means, which may include an in-app notification or by email. If you don’t agree to the update or replacement, you can choose to terminate as we describe below.

“CDL Mentors Affiliate” means a company owned, operated or controlled by CDL Mentors.

“Marketing Affiliate Program” means our marketing affiliate program as described in this Agreement.

“Referral Tracking Cookie” means the unique tracking link you place on your site or promote through other channels.

“Affiliate Portal Tool” means the tool that we make available to you upon your acceptance into the Affiliate Program and for you to use in order to participate in the Affiliate Program.

“Affiliate Policies and Agreement” means this Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement along with a signed PDF form and all materials referred or linked to in here.

“Commission” means an amount described in the Affiliate Policies and Agreement.

“Customer, Referral User, Student” means the authorized actual user of the CDL Mentors who has purchased for the CDL Mentors products.

“Referral User Transactions” means those transactions by Affiliate Leads that are eligible for Commission pursuant to the ‘Referral User Transactions’ section of this Agreement. Referral User Transactions may include user purchases or user signups, as further described in the Affiliate Portal Tool.

“User Data” means all information that a user submits or collects via the CDL Mentors Products and all materials that Customer provides or posts, uploads, inputs or submits for public display through the CDL Mentors’ Products.

“CDL Mentors Content” means all information, data, text, messages, software, sound, music, video, photographs, graphics, images, and tags that we incorporate into our services.

“CDL Mentors Products” means the ELDT Theory Courses provided in the

“Program Policies Page” means the landing page: where we will provide all the up to date guidelines and policies for the Affiliate Program.

“We”, “us”, “our”, and “CDL Mentors” means CDL Mentors LLC.

“You” and “Affiliate” means the party, other than CDL Mentors, entering into this Agreement and participating in the Affiliate Program.

Affiliate Acceptance
Once you complete an application to become an Affiliate, we will review your application and notify you whether you have been accepted to participate in the Affiliate Program, or not. Before we accept an application, we may want to review your application with you, so we may reach out to you for more information. We may require that you complete certain requirements or certification(s) before we accept your application. If we do not notify you that you are accepted to participate in the Affiliate Program within thirty (30) days from your application, your application is considered to be rejected.

If you are accepted to participate in the Affiliate Program, then upon notification of acceptance, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply in full force and effect, until terminated, pursuant to the terms set forth below. Further, you will need to complete any enrollment criteria set out in the Program Policies Page, if applicable. Failure to complete any enrollment criteria within thirty (30) days of your acceptance will result in the immediate termination of this Agreement and you will no longer be able to participate in the Affiliate Program.

Your acceptance and participation in the Affiliate Program does not mean that you will be accepted into any of our other upcoming CDL Mentors Partner Programs. In order to participate in these programs, you will need to apply in accordance with the relevant application procedure.

You will comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement at all times, including any applicable Program Policies.

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